my next mentee.
You are a social media manager or small agency owner with BIG dreams. Client acquisition hasn’t been a problem for you, but you’re still not in a spot where you want to be.
5+ years ago, I was running (what looked like a) thriving six-figure-business agency while in the back-end I was working 7 days a week, taking on more new clients without having proper systems, saying “YES” to everything clients needed and living not-so-much the dream.
Are you ready to scale your social media business with hands-on guidance?
Juggling 15+ clients on $500-1,000+ retainers with no systems or processes in place is when I knew i needed to scale and something had to change!
Wherever you’re at in your journey right now, I’ve been in that EXACT spot. I’m currently still managing and scaling my NOW half-a-million-dollar+ marketing agency, having hired full-time employees, and grown the business from scratch–and I can get you there too!
*Note: Application does not guarantee a spot
This is exactly how Carolina made 400% of her 1:1 investment back within the first 60 days
Introducing my signature
1:1 mentorship (3-month) program
We’ll analyze where you’re currently at with your business and what areas we will be focusing on for the next three months to have the biggest impact on your business. You’ll meet with me once a month for a deep-dive coaching call and have access to me in Slack in between.
Onboarding kick-off call
We’ll revamp your packages and pricing to clearly define who you want to attract and provide them with the value they need. We’ll upsell existing and new clients where fit and have you feel ULTRA confident in what you have to offer so clients say “HELL YES”
month 1 // Pricing & Packages
month 2 // Systems & processes
We’ll audit your current systems and processes and implement or revamp where needed. We’ll implement systems that will allow you to scale and take on bigger and better clients into your business which will elevate their experience and your services.
month 3 // team staffing
We’ll evaluate your current team and/or staffing needs. Note that this applies to both managers and agencies. This is part of implementing new systems and processes and making the right hires so you can continue to grow.
The Investment
$4,000 paid in full or $1.500/month
*Note: application does not guarantee a spot
1:1 mentorship is not for you if…
You’re new to social media management and just started your business
You’re not willing to do the work and want someone to do it for you
You don’t know how to lead generate or attract new clients to your business
You’re looking for overnight success and instant results to make your money back